— 2 Corinthians 7:10 —
Godly sorrow brings repentance that leads to salvation and leaves no regret, but worldly sorrow brings death.
"Godly sorrow brings repentance that leads to salvation" refers to the sorrow for our sins that results in changed behavior. Many people are sorry only for the effects of their sins or for being caught ("worldly sorrow"). Compare Peter's remorse and repentance with Judas' bitterness and act of suicide. Both disowned Christ. One repented and was restored to faith and service; the other took his own life.

The Daily Bible Verse
Wednesday, March 26, 2008
Seven Benefits from Reading Your Bible
Bible reading is more than a pleasant pastime. It can become a daily habit that will change your life.
God’s Word holds out the promise of rich benefits for those who spend time reading it and taking its truths to heart. Here are just seven of the many ways your life can be better as you make the Bible your daily reading companion. All seven come from Psalm 119-a magnificent song of praise for God’s Word.
1. The Bible will help keep you from sin. “I have hidden your word in my heart that I might not sin against you” (verse 11).
2. The Bible will lift up your burdens.”My soul is weary with sorrow; strengthen me according to your word” (verse 28).
3. The Bible will guide your steps. “Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light for my path” (verse 105).
4. The Bible will bring you joy. “Your statutes are my heritage forever; they are the joy of my heart” (verse 111).
5. The Bible will lead you to wisdom.”The unfolding of your words gives light; it gives understanding to the simple” (verse130).
6. The Bible will give you peace. ”Great peace have they who love your law, and nothing can make them stumble” (verse 165).
7. The Bible will bring you back to God. “I have strayed like a sheep. Seek your servant, for I have not forgotten your commands” (verse 176).
From The Daily Walk Bible by Walk Thru the Bible Ministries
God’s Word holds out the promise of rich benefits for those who spend time reading it and taking its truths to heart. Here are just seven of the many ways your life can be better as you make the Bible your daily reading companion. All seven come from Psalm 119-a magnificent song of praise for God’s Word.
1. The Bible will help keep you from sin. “I have hidden your word in my heart that I might not sin against you” (verse 11).
2. The Bible will lift up your burdens.”My soul is weary with sorrow; strengthen me according to your word” (verse 28).
3. The Bible will guide your steps. “Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light for my path” (verse 105).
4. The Bible will bring you joy. “Your statutes are my heritage forever; they are the joy of my heart” (verse 111).
5. The Bible will lead you to wisdom.”The unfolding of your words gives light; it gives understanding to the simple” (verse130).
6. The Bible will give you peace. ”Great peace have they who love your law, and nothing can make them stumble” (verse 165).
7. The Bible will bring you back to God. “I have strayed like a sheep. Seek your servant, for I have not forgotten your commands” (verse 176).
From The Daily Walk Bible by Walk Thru the Bible Ministries
Romans 6
Romans 6 informs us about our being dead in sin, but alive in Christ. I believe that this means because of our being held in sin, we are ‘dead’ in sin; that is, gone and farther apart from God. However, because we believe in Christ, we are ‘alive’ in Him, which means we are triumphant over our sins and can now be close to Christ! This is amazing and assuring, and I would enjoy reading about this if I were a new believer. The reason for that is because it tells of my forgiveness and assures me of my salvation
How to Study the Bible and Understand It
Have you ever had trouble digging into God’s word? What about getting your thoughts together regarding proper Bible study? Are you unfocused because you have no direction on how to begin? Listed below are 12 ways that may just help you regain that zeal and direction for your study:
Set aside a regular time for study - schedule study time in advance or other things will interfere. Bible study should be something you look forward to daily, so that you can show yourself approved to God (II Tim.2:15).
Pray for understanding - study the Bible in a prayerful attitude, asking God to lead you by His Spirit, and to reveal His will to you. True understanding comes from God. You cannot reason it out for yourself. If God teaches us, we will retain our understanding, but we have to desire it (Ps.119:33-40), trusting with all our heart and acknowledging all His ways (Prov.3:5-8). In that sense, even those who think they are not capable, will be given divine guidance (I Cor.1:25-29, Jer.9: 23-24).
Seek correction and instruction - the word of God cuts deep, like a two edged sword. It judges our innermost thoughts and reveals every character flaw. We must approach this study with a humble, correctable attitude (Jer.10:23-24, Is.66:1-2, 5). Without the Spirit of God guiding us, we cannot understand the word of God (Rom.8:6-9) to become perfect. Only then are we ready to understand that all scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness (II Tim.3:16), giving us spiritual light (Prov.6:23) and helping us to become perfect (Matt.5:48).
Realize the Bible is inspired - the entire Bible - both Old and New Testament - is the inspired word of God. When studying it, bear in mind that God is speaking to you. Reverence His word and let it inspire and motivate you to grow in His likeness. The Bible is from the very mind of Christ (Phil.2:5) and is of a spiritual nature; bringing eternal life (John 6:63).
Let the Bible interpret the Bible - keep in mind that although some passages may seem confusing at first, there are no contradictions in the Bible - none! Examine the content (scriptures before and after a relevant verse), and gather all scriptures on a given subject or doctrine. The clear passages will clarify and shed light on those that are difficult to understand. None of the Bible is of any private interpretation (II Pet.1:20) and the scriptures are true forever (John 10:35, GNB).
Keep an open mind - because there is so much religious confusion, it is necessary to prove the truth and distinguish it from error. In so doing, it is important to maintain a positive attitude and keep an open mind. Be thankful and appreciative as new knowledge is revealed. Be willing to change, even if it means you must unlearn wrong ideas and teachings. We can’t stay conformed to this world, but have to be transformed by the renewing of our mind, in order to prove by you what is that good and pleasing and perfect will of God (Rom.12:2). Examine yourself, whether you are in the faith (II Cor.13:5).
Prove God’s way is right - put the Bible to the test. Begin to practice the things you learn, and note how much more you get out of Bible study, and the changes taking place in your life. If we continue in God’s word, then only are we disciples of Christ, having proven God’s truth (John 8:31-32) and looking for understanding (I John 3:22), to experience life more abundantly (John 10:10).
Study by subject - in addition to reading the Bible through, concentrate at times on one book, doctrine or subject and get into it thoroughly. This systematic approach will help you grow in depth and understanding. But you have to search scriptures and subjects out, and that takes work because they are precept on precept; line on line, here a little, there a little (Is.28:10). In the end, your effort is well worth it because God’s word is the only truth we have (John 17:17).
Mark key verses and passages - a marking system will save time in locating scriptures and provide a quick recall of subject matter. We are to mark those who walk in God’s way (Php. 3:17) and those who walk contrary to God’s way (II Thess.3:14), so that we can take note of each example. In the same way, we are to note passages and mark our Bible to remember what we come across, developing a system that works best for us. For example: use one colour or symbol for doctrine, another for personal correction and another for story flow.
Meditate and review - stop and think about what you are learning and the real meaning of the scriptures you are studying. Then reflect on the different ways it can be applied in your daily life. God really blesses our focus on Him (Ps.1:1-3), on His law and way of life (Ps.119:97-99), and His very thoughts (Ps.139:17-18).
Read the Bible through - read the Bible from cover to cover as a separate project, in addition to other study. This will ensure no sections are missed and it will broaden your perspective as to story flow. It is for reading all the days of your life, so that you may be trained in the fear of the Lord your God to keep and do all the words of this teaching and laws (Deut.17:9).
Be familiar with study aids - study aids are useful for providing historical background and time settings on the books of the Bible. A good Bible handbook will provide helpful background information, while a concordance will locate all passages on a given subject. Bible maps will provide topographical, geographical and historical information, and commentaries can be helpful also, but exercise care as they contain a great deal of uninspired opinion.
Set aside a regular time for study - schedule study time in advance or other things will interfere. Bible study should be something you look forward to daily, so that you can show yourself approved to God (II Tim.2:15).
Pray for understanding - study the Bible in a prayerful attitude, asking God to lead you by His Spirit, and to reveal His will to you. True understanding comes from God. You cannot reason it out for yourself. If God teaches us, we will retain our understanding, but we have to desire it (Ps.119:33-40), trusting with all our heart and acknowledging all His ways (Prov.3:5-8). In that sense, even those who think they are not capable, will be given divine guidance (I Cor.1:25-29, Jer.9: 23-24).
Seek correction and instruction - the word of God cuts deep, like a two edged sword. It judges our innermost thoughts and reveals every character flaw. We must approach this study with a humble, correctable attitude (Jer.10:23-24, Is.66:1-2, 5). Without the Spirit of God guiding us, we cannot understand the word of God (Rom.8:6-9) to become perfect. Only then are we ready to understand that all scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness (II Tim.3:16), giving us spiritual light (Prov.6:23) and helping us to become perfect (Matt.5:48).
Realize the Bible is inspired - the entire Bible - both Old and New Testament - is the inspired word of God. When studying it, bear in mind that God is speaking to you. Reverence His word and let it inspire and motivate you to grow in His likeness. The Bible is from the very mind of Christ (Phil.2:5) and is of a spiritual nature; bringing eternal life (John 6:63).
Let the Bible interpret the Bible - keep in mind that although some passages may seem confusing at first, there are no contradictions in the Bible - none! Examine the content (scriptures before and after a relevant verse), and gather all scriptures on a given subject or doctrine. The clear passages will clarify and shed light on those that are difficult to understand. None of the Bible is of any private interpretation (II Pet.1:20) and the scriptures are true forever (John 10:35, GNB).
Keep an open mind - because there is so much religious confusion, it is necessary to prove the truth and distinguish it from error. In so doing, it is important to maintain a positive attitude and keep an open mind. Be thankful and appreciative as new knowledge is revealed. Be willing to change, even if it means you must unlearn wrong ideas and teachings. We can’t stay conformed to this world, but have to be transformed by the renewing of our mind, in order to prove by you what is that good and pleasing and perfect will of God (Rom.12:2). Examine yourself, whether you are in the faith (II Cor.13:5).
Prove God’s way is right - put the Bible to the test. Begin to practice the things you learn, and note how much more you get out of Bible study, and the changes taking place in your life. If we continue in God’s word, then only are we disciples of Christ, having proven God’s truth (John 8:31-32) and looking for understanding (I John 3:22), to experience life more abundantly (John 10:10).
Study by subject - in addition to reading the Bible through, concentrate at times on one book, doctrine or subject and get into it thoroughly. This systematic approach will help you grow in depth and understanding. But you have to search scriptures and subjects out, and that takes work because they are precept on precept; line on line, here a little, there a little (Is.28:10). In the end, your effort is well worth it because God’s word is the only truth we have (John 17:17).
Mark key verses and passages - a marking system will save time in locating scriptures and provide a quick recall of subject matter. We are to mark those who walk in God’s way (Php. 3:17) and those who walk contrary to God’s way (II Thess.3:14), so that we can take note of each example. In the same way, we are to note passages and mark our Bible to remember what we come across, developing a system that works best for us. For example: use one colour or symbol for doctrine, another for personal correction and another for story flow.
Meditate and review - stop and think about what you are learning and the real meaning of the scriptures you are studying. Then reflect on the different ways it can be applied in your daily life. God really blesses our focus on Him (Ps.1:1-3), on His law and way of life (Ps.119:97-99), and His very thoughts (Ps.139:17-18).
Read the Bible through - read the Bible from cover to cover as a separate project, in addition to other study. This will ensure no sections are missed and it will broaden your perspective as to story flow. It is for reading all the days of your life, so that you may be trained in the fear of the Lord your God to keep and do all the words of this teaching and laws (Deut.17:9).
Be familiar with study aids - study aids are useful for providing historical background and time settings on the books of the Bible. A good Bible handbook will provide helpful background information, while a concordance will locate all passages on a given subject. Bible maps will provide topographical, geographical and historical information, and commentaries can be helpful also, but exercise care as they contain a great deal of uninspired opinion.
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